
Showing posts from April, 2022

Pedicriticon 2021

Inaugurated Pedicriticon 2021   organized by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics Intensive Care Chapter and IAP Rajasthan Chapter at SMS Medical College, Jaipur. I shared the dais with Dr. Sudhir Bhandari Ji, Principal & Controller of SMS Medical College and Vice-Chancellor of RUHS Jaipur, Dr. Ramesh Kumar Ji, President of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Manish Sharma Ji, Registrar, Rajasthan Medical Council, Dr. Dhiren Gupta Ji, Chairperson, IAP Intensive Care Chapter, and Dr. Arun Bansal Ji, Secretary, IAP Intensive Care Chapter. With NIMSUniversity   and NIMSHospital , we are a pioneer to start a pediatric super specialty in Rajasthan. Over the years PEDICRITICON   has established itself as an ideal platform where Pediatric Intensivists converge, share their knowledge & learn about new developments. It is a 'Not to be Missed' annual event in every Pediatrician's calendar.        

रक्तदान करें, थैलेसीमिया पीड़ित बच्चों का जीवन बचाएं | Blood Donation | NIMS Chairman

  Stay Fit With Health Tips कई बच्चे जन्म से ही थैलसीमिया बीमारी से पीड़ित होते हैं, उनकी जिंदगी बचाने के लिए उन्हें बार-बार खून चढ़ाना होता है। आपसे गुजारिश है, रक्तदान करें, जीवन बचाकर पुण्य का काम करें।    

Obesity | BMI | मोटापा कम करने के उपाय | NIMS Chairman

  मोटापा कम हो या ज्यादा , यह हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक हो सकता है इसकी वजह से हमारे शरीर में बहुत से रोग जैसे हार्ट अटैक , पेरालिसिस डायबिटीज जैसे कई गंभीर रोग हो सकते है।     

Advanced Trauma Life Support Course (ATLS) in Nims University

Congratulations to all participants. I am fully confident that the advanced knowledge and skills learned in the "Advanced Trauma Life Support" training course will be beneficial for you, and will use for better treatment. I am very thankful to Dr. M. C. Misra Ji, ATLS, India Chair for his valuable contribution and support. My greetings to Dr. Pankaj Singh Ji and Dr. Vinay Singh Ji for this advantageous event.  

Essential Tips to Take Care of your Infant Baby

Essential Tips to Take Care of your Infant Baby         A very warm welcome to all my readers, today we're going to learn about the ways to take care of an infant. Infants are very fragile and prone to various diseases therefore taking extra care of new-born babies is essential. Taking care of a new-born is an arduous task, especially for new mothers. After the baby is born, the following weeks are very crucial and parents should ensure that the new-born baby is safe with the necessary vaccination on time.   Breastfeeding is essential for a new-born. Lactating mothers should breastfeed their babies which is very beneficial for infants. Infants should be breastfed at an interval of 2-3 hours and should be burped after it. It is recommended that a new-born should be fed nothing other than breast milk for 3 to 4 months after birth. After 4 months the baby can eat semi-solid foods like lentil soup, vegetable soup, etc. After 6 months, only breast milk is no...

योग करने के लाभ। Health Benefits of Yoga। NIMS Chairman

योग हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत लाभदायक है। योग करने से शरीर का लचीलापन बढ़ता है और इससे शरीर एकदम फिट रहता है। योग के साथ साथ ध्यान भी करना आवश्यक है।  

Safe Drive | यातायात नियमों का पालन करें | Road Safety | NIMS Chairman

Today's Talk   जिंदगी अनमोल है, सड़क पर वाहन चलाते समय लापरवाही न बरतें। आपकी एक लापरवाही किसी की जान ले सकती है। हमेशा यातायात और सड़क सुरक्षा नियमों का पालन करें।